The last few weeks have been testing for all of us.
Every aspect of our lives has been touched by the pandemic and the measures we’ve had to take to reduce this deadly disease’s impact on the NHS, our neighbours and our loved ones.
It’s been a bewildering period with most people having to face situations and problems that were unimaginable three months ago.
At Storeys of Cheshire we’ve seen a steep rise in the number of landlords contacting us with questions and seeking expert advice and reassurance.
Many of these people are landlords who were self-managing their properties, but the outbreak has made them realise they need extra help and expertise.
We’re taking calls from landlords and property investors in Cheshire and further afield who are faced with new challenges they didn’t even know existed.
Frequently asked questions we’ve answered include: ‘Do the usual rules and regulations to rental property apply now? What can I do to protect my rent but be reasonable and fair to my tenants? Where can I get more information about my rights and responsibilities as a landlord? What Government help is available to landlords?’
Being a landlord, who self manages their property is now a more significant challenge than it would be if a letting agency managed it.
And here’s why:
- As letting agents, we are experienced in a wide range of scenarios, and we keep up to date with the ever-changing rules and regulations affecting the industry. As of December, last year, there were more than 327 of these rules and regulations.
- Many landlords are now experiencing how time-consuming dealing with tenants and rent issues can be. We take that time burden off your hands.
- At Storeys of Cheshire we’ve been working flat out to stay in touch with landlords and tenants to keep lines of communication open and working well.
- Being a landlord can be a lonely place, especially at times like these, so it helps to have an expert on your side to guide and support you and work hard on your behalf.
And we understand tenants are feeling just as anxious and unsure of the future and we’re helping them too.
If you are a landlord in Cheshire who has any questions or issues you need support with, I’m here to help. You can email me on [email protected] or call me on 07501 723253.
Thanks for reading. Stay at Home, Protect the NHS and Save Lives. We’ll get through this together.
Ian Storey
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